Week 20: Morro Bay

February 22, 2021

Today was fun, for P-day we went to the sand dunes by the beach. This place has really good weather, and it is an incredible blessing to be here. We had a really good Spirit-filled lesson with Brother Pace and his family. His wife, Tamra, isn't a member yet, even thought the rest of them are. But she is such a nice lady and I'm surprised that she isn't baptized yet. But we're going to work on her, see if we can help her get along. After that, we did a great member visit with the Elms, and did our new MTV teaching format that Brother Cleveland gave us. He's such a beast, for lack of a better term. A mission president as a Ward Mission leader is a great idea.

February 23, 2021

We probably had our most successful day this transfer. After we did some service for Mimi, and did some studies, we went park contacting and gave out a Book of Mormon and found someone who was interested in hearing more. The person we gave the Book of Mormon to was Jesse, and he as had his relationship in Jesus Christ strengthened through recovering through a Bible 12-step program. 

Another lady showed interest in our message, we almost taught her the entire Restoration wile she was watching her son play on the playground. Her name is Depeche, and she was very impressed when someone as young as me knew what that was from. After that, we did some Facebook, and then we went and gave Sister Czirban a blessing. 

A really good day, we even dropped off some cookies for the Boyette's.

February 24, 2021

Yet another awesome day in our area, we did some service today for a guy named Jeremy. We didn't think he was very interested in the Gospel, but as we were leaving, he said that he would like to talk more about Jesus Christ and come closer to him. We did some park contacting, and tried to contact on the Embarcadero, but no one was biting today. After that, we did some Facebook, a ward coordination meeting, a member visit, and our day was already over before we knew it. 

February 25, 2021

Today we had a nice little miracle happen, we called some people that were being taught a while ago, and that some members suggest we check on. Her name was Carmen Stilts, and she said that she actually got onto church last week without us knowing, and was saying that she wished she and her daughter had been reading the Book of Mormon more. So that was awesome, we found two new people in a matter of two minutes. 

Other than that, we went contacting did some Facebook, and had some member visits. We met a lot of people who really made it clear that they weren't interested and/or they already knew that they were saved. You can't help people who are comfortable and not needing anything else in life. To really believe that you can just live with God while still wanting to commit sins doesn't really add up. 

February 26, 2021

We have been having a really good week. Today we did district council, and I gained a lot of new insights about how to better have charity for everyone around me. 

We did some studies, and went contacting, and then something awesome happened. Emmerys called us back, because we had texted him asking if he still wanted to meet. He said it would be ok if we just taught him right over the phone. So we talked a little bit about our Church, and cleared up some misconceptions, and clarified that we don't just believe in works. Then we started talking more about our purpose in life, and he asked a really good question. He wondered why God bothered to create our spirits anyway. He acknowledged that we're here to grow and learn, but he didn't know why God created all of us in the first place. We didn't really know how to answer him, but the Spirit told us something that I had never thought of before. We told him that God created us because he has unimaginable joy in our successes and learning and growing, just like a regular parent feels for their children. His whole purpose of creating us was to see us grow and learn and enjoy the happiness that he feels. We told Brother Storey that we shared that, and he said that's exactly how parents feel about their children. They find their greatest joy in seeing their children grow and choose the right of their own free will. I imagine it's the same with our Heavenly Parents. They created us not just so they could have joy, but because our joy means everything to them. I'm sure I'll understand that more when I have children of my own, but for now it seems to make sense to me. Also, Emmerys is moving to SLO county, so that makes things so much better and it will be easier to pass him off to the other Elders.

February 27, 2021

Today we had a fairly good day. We had a lesson that fell through with someone named Holly, and then right after we had a lunch/dinner thing with a Sister O'Shea, who actually lives in Cambria, which is a full 1/2 hour away from our apartment. She's a really nice lady from New York, but I don't think that anyone told her that we don't swear or take the Lord's name in vain haha. 

We also did service for a really nice family that needed help pulling weeds. Other than that, we had our second dinner from the Sharpes, which was pizza, and we pretty much did Facebook and Areabook for the rest of the night. 

Cambria was a really pretty place, it was like a city hidden in some hills that still had a really nice ocean view. Our area is really big, it's about an hour drive from bottom to top, driving about 60mph. 

February 28, 2021

We had a great last day of the week, we had church and were hoping to get the Boyette's there, but they were feeling sick. They watched over Zoom, so that's good. Also, we were super happy when Tony showed up last minute. But there was kind of a wrinkly when the deacons forgot to bring us bread haha. Anyway, it went great, and Tony said he liked it. We have great members and a great ward, so we're very hopeful for Tony. Everyone else is doing great in our area, we had a really good week, for which I am thankful. 

I have truly seen the Lord's hand in our work, and I would not have survived this long without Him. This had been a transfer full of learning experiences, and I'm excited to start a new week. I think tomorrow we'll drive to the top of our area, just to see what everything is like. Another great week on the records.
